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General military
General military terms.
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General military
Restricted areas (air)
Military; General military
Designated areas established by appropriate authority over which flight of aircraft is restricted. They are shown on aeronautical charts, published in notices to airmen, and provided in publications ...
Lead agency
Military; General military
Designated among US Government agencies to coordinate the interagency oversight of the day-to-day conduct of an ongoing operation. The lead agency is to chair the interagency working group ...
Air expeditionary force (AEF)
Military; General military
Deployed US Air Force wings, groups, and squadrons committed to a joint operation.
Civil affairs (CA)
Military; General military
Designated Active and Reserve Component forces and units organized, trained, and equipped specifically to conduct civil affairs operations and to support civil-military operations.
Operational architecture
Military; General military
Descriptions of the tasks, operational elements, and information flows required to accomplish or support a warfighting function.
Defence coordinating officer (DCO)
Military; General military
Department of defence single point of contact for domestic emergencies. Assigned to a joint field office to process requirements for military support, forward mission assignments through proper ...
Scheme of manoeuvre
Military; General military
Description of how arrayed forces will accomplish the commander's intent. It is the central expression of the commander's concept for operations and governs the design of supporting plans or annexes.