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General military
General military terms.
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General military
Defended asset list (DAL)
Military; General military
In defensive counterair operations, a listing of those assets from the critical asset list prioritised by the joint force commander to be defended with the resources available.
Military; General military
In counterdrug operations, the process of transforming drug money into a more manageable form while concealing its illicit origin. Foreign bank accounts and dummy corporations are used as shelters.
Arrival zone
Military; General military
In counterdrug operations, the area in or adjacent to the United States where smuggling concludes and domestic distribution begins (by air, an airstrip; by sea, an offload point on land, or transfer ...
Air smuggling event
Military; General military
In counterdrug operations, the departure of a suspected drug smuggling aircraft, an airdrop of drugs, or the arrival of a suspected drug smuggling aircraft.
Military; General military
In counterdrug operations, the process involved in differentiating traffic which could be involved in drug trafficking from legitimate air traffic.
Military; General military
In counterdrug operations, includes drugs and conveyances seized by law enforcement authorities and drug-related assets (monetary instruments, etc. ) confiscated based on evidence that they have been ...
Track of interest (TOI)
Military; General military
In counterdrug operations, contacts that meet the initial sorting criteria applicable in the area where the contacts are detected.