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General military
General military terms.
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General military
Military Sealift Command (MSC)
Military; General military
A major command of the US Navy reporting to Commander Fleet Forces Command, and the US Transportation Command's component command responsible for designated common-user sealift transportation ...
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC)
Military; General military
A major command of the US Army, and the US Transportation Command's component command responsible for designated continental United States land transportation as well as common-user water terminal ...
Military; General military
A magnetic bearing extending from a very high frequency omni-range and/or tactical air navigation station.
Infrared pointer (IR pointer)
Military; General military
A low power laser device operating in the near infrared light spectrum that is visible with light amplifying night vision devices.
Media pool
Military; General military
A limited number of news media who represent a larger number of news media organisations for purposes of news gathering and sharing of material during a specified activity. Pooling is typically used ...
Multi-point refuelling system (MPRS)
Military; General military
A limited number of KC-135 aircraft can be equipped with external wing-mounted pods to conduct drogue air refueling, while still maintaining boom air refuelling capability on the same mission. This ...
Military; General military
A likeness or presentation of any natural or man-made feature or related object or activity, and the positional data acquired at the same time the likeness or representation was acquired, including: ...