Contributors in General music
General music
Music; General music
The quality of a sound that distinguishes one voice or instrument from another. Also tone color.
Music; General music
Sustained sounding of one or several tones for harmonic support, a common feature of some folk musics.
Music; General music
Subgenre of rock in which rhymed lyrics are spoken over rhythm tracks; developed by African-Americans in the 1970s and widely disseminated in the 1980s and 1990s.
Music; General music
African-American form of secular folk music, related to jazz, that is based on a simple, repetitive poetic-musical structure.
Music; General music
Early folk instrument that resembles the psaltery; its strings are struck with hammers instead of being plucked.
Music; General music
Hand-held frame drum with a single goatskin head; used in Irish traditional music.