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General philosophy

Terms that relate to philosophy, yet do not fit other specific categories.

Contributors in General philosophy

General philosophy


Philosophy; General philosophy

A philosophy that holds that the intrinsic value of an object cannot be judged by humans.


Philosophy; General philosophy

In epistemology, the view that all knowledge is a matter of interpretation.


Philosophy; General philosophy

The meta-ethical view that moral statements do not assert propositions i.e. they do not express factual claims or beliefs and therefore lack truth-value. This view should be distinguished from moral ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

Philosophical view that the world, and especially human existence, is without meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. It is more often a charge levelled against a particular idea ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The belief that universals or mental concepts have no objective reaity but exist only as words or "names" (Latin nomina).


Philosophy; General philosophy

Philosophical theory about causation stating that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events. Instead, all events are taken to be caused directly by God Himself. (A related theory, which ...


Philosophy; General philosophy

The absence of belief in both the existence and non-existence of a deity (or deities, or other numinous phenomena). The word is often employed as a blanket term for all belief systems that are not ...

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