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General physics
Terms realting to physics that are not fit for other subcategories.
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General physics
Gram-formula weight
Physics; General physics
The mass in grammes of one mole of a compound that is numerically equal to its formula weight.
Saturated solution
Physics; General physics
The apparent limit to dissolving a given solid in a specified amount of water at a given temperature; a state of equilibrium that exists between dissolving solute and solute coming out of solution.
Scientific law
Physics; General physics
A relationship between quantities, usually described by an equation in the physical sciences; is more important and describes a wider range of phenomena than a scientific principle.
Greenhouse effect
Physics; General physics
The process of increasing the temperature of the lower parts of the atmosphere through redirecting energy back toward the surface; the absorption and reemission of infrared radiation by carbon ...
Scientific principle
Physics; General physics
A relationship between quantities concerned with a specific, or narrow range of observations and behavior.
Physics; General physics
Heat is a form of energy, which makes a body hot or cold. Heat is measured by the temperature-effect it produces in any material body. The SI unit of heat is Joule( J).
Physics; General physics
The standard unit of time in both the metric and English systems of measurement.