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General physics
Terms realting to physics that are not fit for other subcategories.
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General physics
Spin quantum number
Physics; General physics
From quantum mechanics model of the atom, one of four descriptions of the energy state of an electron wave; this quantum number describes the spin orientation of an electron relative to an external ...
Standing waves
Physics; General physics
The waves formed due to superposition of two waves of same frequency and travelling in opposite directions with same speed.
Physics; General physics
It is the temperature of steam over pure boiling water under 1 atm pressure. It is equal to 100 or 212 .
Physics; General physics
Some materials in which, under certain conditions, the electrical resistance approaches zero.
Surface tension
Physics; General physics
The property of a liquid due to which its surface behaves like a stretched membrane.
Physics; General physics
The S.I. unit of magnetic flux density, defined as the magnetic flux density of a magnetic flux of 1 Wb through an area of 1m2.