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General sailing
Terms used to sail, navigate, and maintain a sail boat.
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General sailing
Sailing; General sailing
Tool used by riggers in splicing line. A square iron pin used to keep topmasts and bowsprits in their places.
Sailing; General sailing
The timber fitted on to the heads of the bulwark stanchions. Called also "top rail."
topmast hoops
Sailing; General sailing
Hoops were formerly used for jib-headed topsails, the same as they used to be for the original "gaff topsails." The hoops when not in use rest on the masthead. In hoisting the topsail the lacing is ...
Sailing; General sailing
Sailors say there will be a moon at such and such a date, meaning that there will be a new moon or full moon, from which the time of high water is calculated.
flying start
Sailing; General sailing
In match sailing a start made under way. In the old days yachts started from anchor or from moorings. This practice has long since been abandoned, and all starts in yacht races are flying starts.
Sailing; General sailing
A device, usually with mechanical advantage, used to pull the boom down, flattening the sail. A rope used to keep a gaff from sagging to leeward. On a schooner's foresail a block is lashed to the ...