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General sailing
Terms used to sail, navigate, and maintain a sail boat.
Industry: Sailing
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General sailing
Sailing; General sailing
Usually a three masted vessel, the fore and main masts square rigged and the mizzen mast or after mast rigged fore and aft.
mechanical advantage
Sailing; General sailing
A mechanical method of increasing an applied force. Disregarding the effects of friction, if a force of 100 pounds applied to a tackle is magnified to a force of 400 pounds, the purchase or ...
fall aboard
Sailing; General sailing
One ship sailing or driving into another. A sail is said to fall aboard when the wind is so light that it will not stay blown out.
Sailing; General sailing
A boat or a boat's gear able to meet the usual sea conditions. In every respect fit to go to sea. In chartering a ship it is insisted that she must be "tight, staunch and strong, and well equipped, ...
gaff topsail
Sailing; General sailing
The topsail set over a gaff sail, such as the topsail set over a cutter's mainsail. Sometimes the sail has a head yard, and sometimes not.
after peak
Sailing; General sailing
The hold of a vessel near the run. A small cuddy or locker made in the run of a boat aft.
Sailing; General sailing
A gust of wind. A free puff is when it enables a vessel to luff; a foul puff when it breaks her off.