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General science

A variety of science subjects concerning the fundamental knowledge about different aspects of our world and their underlying principles.

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General science


Science; General science

A naturally occurring regulatory peptide that carries out numerous functions in the human body, including the inhibition of growth hormone secretion from the anterior pituitary gland. Somatostatin ...


Science; General science

A natural, fresh-water surface stream that has considerable volume compared with its smaller tributaries. The tributaries are known as brooks, creeks, branches, or forks. Rivers are usually the main ...


Science; General science

A naturally occurring mineral of wide interest, the high-pressure polymorph of SiO 2 . Coesite was first discovered and identified in various meteorite impact craters and in some tektites. Because ...


Science; General science

A naturally occurring quaternary ammonium cation ester, with the formula CH 3 (O)COC 2 H 4 N(CH 3 ) 3 + , that plays a prominent role in nervous system function.

Scintillation counter

Science; General science

A particle or radiation detector which operates through emission of light flashes that are detected by a photosensitive device, usually a photomultiplier or a silicon PIN diode. The scintillation ...


Science; General science

A particular form of a solid compound which has water in the form of H 2 O molecules associated with it. For example, anhydrous copper sulphate is a white solid with the formula CuSO 4 . When ...

Townsend discharge

Science; General science

A particular part of the voltage-current characteristic curve for a gaseous discharge device named for J. S. Townsend, who studied it about 1900. It is that part for low current where the discharge ...

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