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General science

A variety of science subjects concerning the fundamental knowledge about different aspects of our world and their underlying principles.

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General science

Saturation current

Science; General science

A term having a variety of specific applications but generally meaning the maximum current which can be obtained under certain conditions.


Science; General science

A theoretically deduced particle postulated as the quantum of the gravitational field. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, accelerated masses (or other distributions of energy) ...

Inflationary universe cosmology

Science; General science

A theory of the evolution of the early universe, motivated by considerations from elementary particle physics as well as certain paradoxes of standard big bang cosmology, which asserts that at some ...

Signal detection theory

Science; General science

A theory in psychology which characterises not only the acuity of an individual's discrimination but also the psychological factors that bias the individual's judgments. Failure to separate these ...


Science; General science

A theory that attempts to unify gravitation with the other fundamental interactions. The first, and only, completely successful unified theory was constructed by James Clerk Maxwell, in which the ...

Quantum chromodynamics

Science; General science

A theory of the strong (nuclear) interactions among quarks, which are regarded as fundamental constituents of matter, structureless and indivisible at the current resolution of about 10 −18 m. ...

Catastrophe theory

Science; General science

A theory of mathematical structure in which smooth continuous inputs lead to discontinuous responses. Water suddenly boils, ice melts, a building crashes to the ground, or the earth unexpectedly ...

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