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General sociology
General terms relating to the study of society.
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General sociology
witch craft
Sociology; General sociology
The belief that a witch has the inherent power to harm or help a person or his soul by using supernatural techniques.The magical techniques associated with such a belief.
Sociology; General sociology
A psychological reaction or type of defense mechanism in which a person attempts to adjust to a frustrating situation by avoiding it.
word association test
Sociology; General sociology
In psychology a projective technique for studying personality in which the subject is presented with a list of words and asked to respond to each word with the first word that comes to his mind.
work ecology
Sociology; General sociology
The ecological study of the spatial distribution of workers in a factory, business office or the like and the relationship of this distribution to the patterns of work relationships and informal ...
uouth culture
Sociology; General sociology
Of late youth in many societies have come to be treated as a special category. Young people between the age of 12 and 20 have acquired a distinctive social identity. Three features distinguished the ...
Z score
Sociology; General sociology
A statistical score expressed in terms of its relative position in the frequency distribution of which it is a part. A score is converted to a z score so that it may be compared with scores from ...
Zipf migration hypothesis
Sociology; General sociology
An hypothesis in ecology proposed by George K Zipf that states that other factors such as income level, unemployment being equal, the number of persons who migrate between two communities (in both ...