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General sociology
General terms relating to the study of society.
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General sociology
cultural island
Sociology; General sociology
A culture group which lives in the midst of a larger society of a different culture.
cultural lag
Sociology; General sociology
The discrepancy between two related parts of a culture because of different rates of change in the parts of a particular culture which changes more slowly than the parts which are related to it.
cultural minority
Sociology; General sociology
A group of aggregate of people who have a unique culture in a society which is dominated by a group having another culture. The minority usually has a lower political, economic and social status than ...
cultural orthogenesis
Sociology; General sociology
The overdevelopment of a certain aspect of a culture compared to its other aspects. This concept assumes that there is such a thing as a culture that is equally developed in all its aspects.
cultural pluralism
Sociology; General sociology
The co-existence of a several different culture groups in a multi-national state.
cultural sociology
Sociology; General sociology
The study of the origins and change in the social practices and norms of a given society.
cultural type
Sociology; General sociology
A type of personality which is either produced by a given culture or which gets its meaning from the way that the person regularly acts with reference to a given culture. It is the same as a social ...