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General weather

Of or pertaining to weather

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General weather

Heating degree day

Weather; General weather

One heating degree day is given for each degree that the daily mean temperature is below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. It is used as an indication of fuel consumption. Refer to degree day or cooling degree ...


Weather; General weather

A division of the year according to some regularly recurring phenomena, usually astronomical or climatic. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, winter is said to begin on the winter solstice and ...

Heat lightning

Weather; General weather

Lightning that appears as a glowing flash on the horizon. It is actually lightning occurring in distant thunderstorms, just over the horizon and too far away for thunder to be heard.

Sea spray

Weather; General weather

Sometimes called salt spray, it is the drops of sea water (salt water) blown from the top of a wave. See blowing spray as a factor in visibility at sea and as a possible condensation nuclei.

Visible light

Weather; General weather

The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye. It travels at the same speed as all other radiation, that is at 186,000 mile per second. It has a wave length longer ...


Weather; General weather

Electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength shorter than visible light and longer than x-rays. Although it accounts for only 4 to 5 percent of the total energy of insolation, it is responsible ...


Weather; General weather

A measure of the opacity of the atmosphere, and therefore, the greatest distance one can see prominent objects with normal eyesight. The National Weather Service has various terms for visibility. ...

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