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Contributors in Geography


Time distance

Geography; Geography

A time measure of how far apart places are (how long does it take to travel from place A to place B?). This may be contrasted with other distance metrics such as geographic distance (how far is it?) ...

Sustainable yield

Geography; Geography

The amount of a naturally self-reproducing community, such as trees or fish, which can be harvested without diminishing the ability of the community to sustain itself.

Tertiary sector

Geography; Geography

That portion of a region's economy devoted to service activities (e.g., retail and wholesale operations, transportation, insurance).


Geography; Geography

The minimum-sized market for an economic activity. The activity will not be successful until it can reach a population larger than this threshold size.

Temperature inversion

Geography; Geography

An increase in temperature with height above the Earth's surface, a reversal of the normal pattern.


Geography; Geography

A moist subarctic coniferous forest that begins where the tundra ends and is dominated by spruces and firs.


Geography; Geography

The physical features of a place; or the study and depiction of physical features, including terrain relief.

Featured blossaries


Category: Food   1 20 Terms

House Plants

Category: Other   2 19 Terms