Home > Industry/Domain > Earth science > Geology


The science that comprises the study of the solid Earth and the processes by which it is shaped and changed.

Contributors in Geology


Chemical sedimentary rock

Earth science; Geology

A sedimentary rock made up of chemical sediments. Example: rock salt.


Earth science; Geology

The irregularly shaped, dark coloured moon of Mars. Deimos is smaller than its companion moon, Phobos. Both orbit very close to Mars, have short periods of revolution (1.3 days for Deimos) and are ...

Dendritic river systems

Earth science; Geology

Networks of interconnecting dry river beds that exhibited dendritic (from the Greek, meaning "treelike") drainage patterns characteristic of water-carved channels.


Earth science; Geology

Refers to meteorites that are differentiated, i.e., they have igneous textures because they were once molten. All other meteorite types (achondrites, stony-irons and irons) are undifferentiated.

Divergent boundry

Earth science; Geology

A boundary between two crustal plates that are moving apart, with new oceanic type lithosphere being created in the seam. Also, accreting plate boundary.


Earth science; Geology

A small asteroid which measures 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.2 km and orbits a larger asteroid, Ida. Dactyl is the first evidence that asteroids may have tiny moons.

Deflation basins

Earth science; Geology

A topographic basin resulting from the removal of material from a beach, desert or other land surface by wind action.

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