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Horse racing
Also called equestrian sport. There are three types of horse racing: flat field racing; steeplechasing or racing over jumps; and harness racing, where horses trot or pace while pulling a driver in a small cart known as a sulky. Horse racing is closely associated with gambling generating a worldwide market of well over U.S. $100 billion.
Industry: Sports
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Horse racing
Sports; Horse racing
Racing silks, the jacket and cap worn by jockeys. Silks can be generic and provided by the track or specific to one owner.
Sports; Horse racing
A horse that runs best in the latter part of the race (closing race), coming from off the pace.
Sports; Horse racing
Final odds on a horse (e.g. 'closed at 5 to 1'). Confusingly equates to 'Starting Price' in the UK.
Sports; Horse racing
Extension of the backstretch or homestretch to allow a longer straight run.