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Horse racing
Also called equestrian sport. There are three types of horse racing: flat field racing; steeplechasing or racing over jumps; and harness racing, where horses trot or pace while pulling a driver in a small cart known as a sulky. Horse racing is closely associated with gambling generating a worldwide market of well over U.S. $100 billion.
Industry: Sports
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Horse racing
Sports; Horse racing
A form of wagering originated in 1865 by Frenchman Pierre Oller in which all money bet is divided up among those who have winning tickets, after taxes, takeout and other deductions are made. Oller ...
Sports; Horse racing
A multiple bet. A kind of 'let-it-ride' bet. Making simultaneous selections on two or more races with the intent of pressing the winnings of the first win on the bet of the following race selected, ...
Sports; Horse racing
A multiple bet. A kind of 'let-it-ride' bet. Making simultaneous selections on two or more races with the intent of pressing the winnings of the first win on the bet of the following race selected, ...
Part wheel
Sports; Horse racing
Using a key horse or horses in different, but not all possible, exotic wagering combinations.
Sports; Horse racing
A multiple bet consisting of 7 bets involving 3 selections in different events. A single on each selection, plus 3 doubles and 1 treble.