Home > Industry/Domain > Animals > Horses


Any of various equine mammals, or even certain extinct forms related ancestrally to the modern horse.

Contributors in Horses


Pelham bit

Animals; Horses

A combination of snaffle bit and curb bit requiring two reins, used in English riding.


Animals; Horses

Brand of xylazine, an analgesic sedative mixture used as a painkiller, pre-anesthetic, etc.


Animals; Horses

A comfortable, secure place in the saddle. In timed events, the area where you collect the horse and start your turn around a barrel or pole.


Animals; Horses

Series of half circles and straight lines crossing from one side of the centerline to the other, requiring a change of direction each time the horse passes over it.


Animals; Horses

Wedge-shaped pad in the sole of the hoof which acts as a shock absorber for the hoof. It contacts the ground first at each step and aides in pumping blood.


Animals; Horses

A cross of two different bloodlines that consistently produces superior offspring.


Animals; Horses

Boxstall, a four-sided stall to confine a horse.

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