Home > Industry/Domain > Plants > Horticulture
Of or pertaining to the business, science, and technology of intensely cultivating plants for the use of humans.
Industry: Plants
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Runoff potential
Plants; Horticulture
A measure of a pesticide's tendency to move with sediment in runoff water.
Unavailable water (pwp)
Plants; Horticulture
The percent volume (volume/volume) of soil/growing media occupied by water that is unavailable to the plant. It is also called the permanent wilting percentage (PWP) and is the water content at ...
Variation of flower structure
Plants; Horticulture
There are many variations in the arrangement of the flowering parts. All these parts may be in one unit such as a complete, perfect or bisexual flower. Some plants have the stamens in one flower ...
Water softener
Plants; Horticulture
A water treatment system where a cation exchange resin is used to remove the hard water salts calcium and magnesium and replace them with the soft water salt sodium, and in some applications ...
Plants; Horticulture
The water solutions of sugars, salts, etc., which are usually found in the centre of the cell are called vacuoles. Such areas are the storage reservoirs for food. A vacuolar membrane surrounds each ...
Urea formaldehyde
Plants; Horticulture
A slow-release nitrogen fertiliser composed of a polymer of urea and formaldehyde. Availability is based on low solubility and biological breakdown. Also called ureaform.
Water pollution control acts
Plants; Horticulture
The laws set by Congress (Public Law 84-660 and 92-500) that set the standards for clean water.