Home > Industry/Domain > Plants > Horticulture


Of or pertaining to the business, science, and technology of intensely cultivating plants for the use of humans.

Contributors in Horticulture


Available nutrient in soil/media

Plants; Horticulture

The part of the supply of a plant nutrient in the soil that can be taken up by plants at rates and in amounts significant to plant growth.

Available water in soil/media

Plants; Horticulture

The part of the water in the soil that can be taken up by plants at rates significant to their growth; usable; obtainable.


Plants; Horticulture

A landscape made of plants that require very little water or rain.


Plants; Horticulture

An organic growing media component made from sugar cane fiber.

Controlled-release fertiliser

Plants; Horticulture

"Slow or Controlled Release Fertilizers. A fertiliser containing a plant nutrient in a form which delays its availability for plant uptake and use after application, or which delays its availability ...

Conventional tillage

Plants; Horticulture

Conventional tillage systems vary widely from region to region and crop to crop. The term conventional tillage originally implied use of the moldboard plow, disking, and harrowing to level the soil ...

Conventional agriculture

Plants; Horticulture

Conventional agriculture is composed of modern, site-specific, progressive, science-based production systems in which available and applicable technologies and inputs are used effectively and ...

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