Home > Industry/Domain > Plants > Horticulture
Of or pertaining to the business, science, and technology of intensely cultivating plants for the use of humans.
Industry: Plants
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Parallel venations
Plants; Horticulture
The veins running parallel to each other from the base of the blade to the tip, such as grasses, corn, lilies, bananas, etc., is parallel venation. In some of these parallel designs the veins run ...
Organic farming
Plants; Horticulture
A system of farming or home gardening which utilises organic wastes and composts with minimal or no use of commercial fertilisers and pesticides.
Ornamental horticulture
Plants; Horticulture
The branch of horticulture specialising in the areas of floriculture, turfgrass management, nursery stock production and landscaping.
Plants; Horticulture
A salt of orthophosphoric acid such as ammonium, calcium or potassium phosphate. Each molecule contains a single atom of phosphorus.
Parent material
Plants; Horticulture
The unconsolidated mass of rock material (or peat) from which the soil profile develops.
Overhead irrigation system
Plants; Horticulture
An irrigation system that sprays water into the air above plants.
Secondary tissue
Plants; Horticulture
The secondary tissues in woody plants involve the cambium and cork cambium layers. The cambium tissues contain xylem and phloem tissues but in a different position than in the primary tissues. The ...
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