Home > Industry/Domain > Plants > Horticulture


Of or pertaining to the business, science, and technology of intensely cultivating plants for the use of humans.

Contributors in Horticulture


Air porosity or air space

Plants; Horticulture

The percent volume (volume/volume) of soil/growing media that is filled with air when irrigating media to container capacity. The air in media is primarily in the large macropores.

Bulk blending

Plants; Horticulture

The practise of mixing dry, individual, granular materials or granulated bases. The product is a mixture of granular materials rather than a granulated mixture.

Brine water

Plants; Horticulture

A water very high in solutes. It may also refer to the byproduct or waste water of water purification systems.

Aerial shoots

Plants; Horticulture

An aerial stem may grow upright, climbing or in a prostrate position.


Plants; Horticulture

Indicates a pH above 7.0. Alkaline is also called basic.

Dribble fertilisation

Plants; Horticulture

Dribbling or strip banding is a form of band placement that involves application of solid or fluid fertilisers in bands or strips of varying widths on the soil surface or on the surface of crop ...

Dual placement of application

Plants; Horticulture

Placement of two fertiliser materials in subsurface bands. Application: Usually accomplished through injection of the two materials from two tubes at two points on an applicator shank. For example, ...

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