Home > Industry/Domain > Plants > Horticulture


Of or pertaining to the business, science, and technology of intensely cultivating plants for the use of humans.

Contributors in Horticulture



Plants; Horticulture

Pockets or very large granules of solid fertilisers placed below the soil surface. Research has indicated superior performance for subsurface placement of large urea granules or briquettes for rice. ...

Nitrogen fixation

Plants; Horticulture

Generally, the conversion of free nitrogen to nitrogen compounds. Specifically in soils, the assimilation of free nitrogen from the soil air by soil organisms and the formation of nitrogen compounds ...

Nephelometric turbidity units (ntu)

Plants; Horticulture

A standard unit of measure of the turbidity or clarity of water based on scattering of light by suspended particles of colloids, silica, bacteria, or mineral precipitates. NTU is measured with a ...

Net venations

Plants; Horticulture

In the net form of venations, the veins branch out many ways and form a network of veins in the leaf. The net venation may have only midrib or main vein from which the smaller veins originate ...


Plants; Horticulture

An instrument using diffused light to determine the turbidity or clarity of water. Sometimes referred to as a turbidimeter.


Plants; Horticulture

Brown, scorched, or dead areas on plant organs. Necrosis is a common symptom of many nutrient deficiencies.


Plants; Horticulture

An inorganic nitrogen fertiliser (NO3-). The form of nitrogen found in most soils/growing media.

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