Home > Industry/Domain > Tourism & hospitality; Travel > Hotels


Facilities that are established for the purpose of temporary housing for guests.

Contributors in Hotels


Guest history

Travel; Hotels

A record maintained for each guest who has stayed at the hotel with a separate entry for each visit and details of pertinent preferences. This is a valuable reference tool for reservations, ...

Guest cheque

Travel; Hotels

The invoice presented to restaurant and bar patrons for food and beverage consumed during a visit. Also referred to as a waiter's cheque or restaurant check.

Innkeepers statutes

Travel; Hotels

Statutes that limit the common law liability of innkeepers.

Hotel representative

Travel; Hotels

An individual or firm with the responsibility to facilitate market accessibility to the hotel property by the travel trade.

Intelligent hotels

Travel; Hotels

Hotels that are identified because they have state of the art technology systems for their operations. These hotels have replaced the traditional systems to reduce their energy cost and usually have ...

Loss of attraction

Travel; Hotels

Loss of Attraction falls under the Business Income and Extra Expense coverage form although coverage is rarely included as it is hard to prove. For example, if a fire occurred at a hotel in Las ...

Guest account

Travel; Hotels

An itemised record of a guest's charges and credits, which is maintained in the front office until departure. Also referred to as a guest bill, guest folio, and/or guest statement.

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