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Inorganic chemistry
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Inorganic chemistry
Ferrous chloride
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
FeCl 2 _4H 2 O Green, monoclinic crystals, soluble in water; used as a mordant in dyeing, for sewage treatment, in metallurgy, and in pharmaceutical preparations. Also known as iron chloride; iron ...
Periodic acid
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
HIO 4 _2H 2 OWater- and alcohol-soluble white crystals; loses water at 100_C; used as an oxidant.
Stannous sulphate
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
SnSO 4 Heavy light-colored crystals; decomposes rapidly in water, loses SO 2 at 360_C; used for dyeing and tin plating. Also known as tin sulfate.
Ammonium perchlorate
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
NH 4 ClO 4 A salt that forms colourless or white rhombic and regular crystals, which are soluble in water; it decomposes at 150_C, and the reaction is explosive at higher temperatures.
Ferrous ammonium sulphate
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
Fe(SO 4 )_(NH) 2 SO 4 _6H 2 O Light-green, watersoluble crystals; used in medicine, analytical chemistry, and metallurgy. Also known as iron ammonium sulfate; Mohr’s salt.
Perchloric acid
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
HClO 4 Strongly oxidizing, corrosive, colorless, hygroscopic liquid, boiling at 16_C (8 mmHg, or 1067 pascals); soluble in water; unstable in pure form, but stable when diluted in water; used in ...
Stannous chromate
Chemistry; Inorganic chemistry
SnCrO 4 A brown powder; very slightly soluble in water; used to decorate porcelain. Also known as tin chromate.