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International economics
International trade theories, policies, finances and their effects on economic activities.
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International economics

secular stagnation
Economy; International economics
Secular stagnation is an economic condition in which the economy is in a slump, with negligible or no growth for a prolonged period, that it may never be able to escape. In a secular stagnation, the ...
margin of preference
Economy; International economics
1. The extent to which one person or group is given more favorable treatment than others. 2. The percentage by which particular imports from one country are subject to lower tariffs than the MFN ...
Currency union
Economy; International economics
Two or more countries that agree to use the same currency instead of the fixed exchange rate system, or pegged exchange rate system. There are two main distinctions to a currency union: surrendered ...
Current account
Economy; International economics
A country's international transactions arising from current flows, as opposed to changes in stocks which are part of the capital account. Includes trade in goods and services (including payments of ...
Customs area
Economy; International economics
A geographic area that is responsible for levying its own customs duties at its border.
Customs classification
Economy; International economics
1. The category defining the tariff to be applied to an imported good. 2. The act of determining this category, which may be subject to various rules and/or to the discretion of the customs officer.
Customs declaration
Economy; International economics
A written statement by an importer or traveller of the dutiable imports that they are bringing into a country.