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International economics
International trade theories, policies, finances and their effects on economic activities.
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International economics
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Economy; International economics
A preference, by consumers or other demanders, for products produced in their own country compared to otherwise identical imports. This was proposed by Trefler (1995) as a possible explanation for ...
Green room group
Economy; International economics
A group of GATT/WTO member countries or their delegates -- including the larger members and selected smaller and less developed ones -- that have met together during negotiations (originally in a ...
Gross national income
Economy; International economics
1. National income plus capital consumption allowance. 2. Same as gross national product.
Gross progress indicator
Economy; International economics
An alternative to gross domestic product that is intended to take account of costs that are not internalised by economic agents, such as crime and pollution.
Group of Seven (G-7)
Economy; International economics
A group of seven major industrialised countries whose heads of state met annually from 1976 to 1997 in summit meetings to discuss economic and political issues. The seven are United States, Canada, ...
Group of Seventy Seven (G-77)
Economy; International economics
A coalition of developing countries within the United Nations, established in 1964 at the end of the first session of UNCTAD, intended to articulate and promote the collective economic interests of ...
Group of Six (G-6)
Economy; International economics
1. The six largest countries of the world: Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 2. The six largest countries of the European Union, ministers from which ...