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Investment banking
Of or relating to the business of underwriting, or acting as the client's agent, in the issuance of securities in order to assist an individual, commercial enterprise, corporation or government instution ro raise capital.
Industry: Banking
Add a new termContributors in Investment banking
Investment banking
Banking; Investment banking
The takeover of specific business units or of an entire company by an outside investor or management team.
Precious metals
Banking; Investment banking
Collective term for the elements gold, silver as well as the group of platinum metals: platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium and ruthenium. Precious metals are characterised by their chemical ...
Guaranteed bond
Banking; Investment banking
Bond issue for which a third party (e.g. parent company) guarantees fulfilment of the terms vis-à-vis the issuer's creditors.
Safeguarding interests
Banking; Investment banking
Rider used in securities trading for large market orders. The notation authorises the broker (depending on stock market price developments) to temporarily refrain from buying or selling if the ...
Liquidity statement
Banking; Investment banking
Statement showing the relationship between the disposable means and the easily marketable assets on the one hand and the short-term liabilities on the other. Regulated in Switzerland by Article 4 of ...
Revolving credit
Banking; Investment banking
A credit line which can be utilized, repaid and utilised again during the agreed term. Examples: revolving discount credit, revolving collateral loan.