Home > Industry/Domain > Banking > Investment banking

Investment banking

Of or relating to the business of underwriting, or acting as the client's agent, in the issuance of securities in order to assist an individual, commercial enterprise, corporation or government instution ro raise capital.

Contributors in Investment banking

Investment banking

Bancomat International

Banking; Investment banking

International cash dispenser chain created to enable bank customers to withdraw cash up to a certain amount at anytime of the day or night. To do this, clients require a customer card or Maestro card ...

Bank for International Settlements

Banking; Investment banking

Abbr.: BIS. International financial institution domiciled in Basel. The BIS promotes cooperation between central banks as well as advocating the standardisation of banking regulations by issuing ...

Swiss Banking Law

Banking; Investment banking

Swiss Federal Law on Banks and Savings Banks dated 8 November 1934, and revisions. Designed primarily to protect creditors, the Banking Law also defines licencing policy, minimum liquidity ...

Banking Ordinance

Banking; Investment banking

Abbr.: BankO. Abbreviation for the Swiss Implementing Ordinance on Banks and Savings Banks of 17 May 1972 and its amendments. It contains the supplementary provisions to the Swiss Banking Law.

Retained correspondence; correspondence held by bank

Banking; Investment banking

Correspondence from the bank to the customer retained at the bank at the customer's written instructions. Mail retained in this manner is handed out or forwarded to the customer only at his request.

Relative return

Banking; Investment banking

The return of an asset over a period of time compared to a pre-defined benchmark. The relative return is the difference between the absolute return achieved by the asset and the return achieved by ...

Tax value

Banking; Investment banking

The significant value of an asset for taxation purposes. The Federal Tax Authorities issue a special list of binding tax values for a large number of securities.

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