Contributors in Legal
Mitigating damages
Law; Legal
A doctrine which states that a party that has been damaged must attempt to limit the furtherance of those damages; for instance, if a party intentionally refuses the medical treatment causing the ...
Law; Legal
A written legal document that defines rights, duties, entitlements, or liabilities, such as a contract.
Temporary nuisance
Law; Legal
A nuisance that can be corrected by a reasonable expenditure of money or labor.
Nulla bona
Law; Legal
A form of return by a sheriff or constable upon an execution when the judgement debtor has no seizable property within the jurisdiction.
Annual inspection
Law; Legal
An examination or investigation; the right to see and duplicate documents, enter land, or make other such examinations for the purpose of gathering evidence.
Liquidated damage
Law; Legal
Monetary compensation for a loss, detriment, or injury to a person or a person's rights or property, awarded by a court judgement or by a contract stipulation regarding breach of contract.