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The scientific study of human language.

Contributors in Linguistics



Language; Linguistics

A hypernym of a word if it means covering the other meaning of the word which is a hypernym; a word that is more generic or broad than another given word. To achieve meaning without loan words, ...

Basic English

Language; Linguistics

Basic English, also known as simple English, is based on the English-language (essentially as a simplified subset of English) created by a linguist and philosopher Charles Kay Ogden as an ...

Cognitive grammar

Language; Linguistics

The theoretical framework associated with Ronald Langacker which has been under development since the mid-1970s and is best represented in his two Foundations of cognitive grammar volumes ...

Cognitive approaches to grammar

Language; Linguistics

A cognitive approach to grammar is concerned with modelling the language system (the mental 'grammar') in ways which are consistent with the generalisation commitment and the cognitive commitment ...

Classical theory

Language; Linguistics

The widely accepted account of the way humans categorise that was the prevalent model from the time of Aristotle until the early 1970s. This theory holds that conceptual and linguistic categories ...

Classical theory

Language; Linguistics

The widely accepted account of the way humans categorise that was the prevalent model from the time of Aristotle until the early 1970s. This theory holds that conceptual and linguistic categories ...

Closed class forms

Language; Linguistics

A set of linguistic forms to which it is typically more difficult for a language to add new members. Closed class forms are normally taken to include the 'grammatical' or 'function' words of a ...

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