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The scientific study of human language.
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Trajector (TR)
Language; Linguistics
The focal, or most prominent, participant in a profiled relationship.
Linguistic bi-stylistic variation
Language; Linguistics
Linguistic bi-stylistic variation is a linguistic situation where two different styles of the same language are used.

Language; Linguistics
One of the list of words in a dictionary that is followed by an explanation of what it means.
Unassimilated loans
Language; Linguistics
Unassimilated loan is a loan whithout an equivalent translation in the context of sentense or text.
Acoustic phonetics
Language; Linguistics
A subfield of phonetics which deals with acoustic aspects of speech sounds. Acoustic phonetics investigates properties like the mean squared amplitude of a waveform, its duration, its fundamental ...
Obligatory contour principle
Language; Linguistics
Principle in phonology, originally proposed for tones, by which identical units are not associated independently with two successive prsitions on a skeletal tier. Since extended to units of other ...
Blending theory
Language; Linguistics
Developed by Gilles Fauconnier and Mark Turner , blending theory derives from two traditions within cognitive semantics : Conceptual Metaphor Theory and mental spaces theory. Blending theory holds ...