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Timber after it has been sawed and split into planks or other smaller components that can be used as building material.
Industry: Building materials
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Retaining wall
Building materials; Lumber
A structure that holds back a slope and prevents errosion.
Running foot
Building materials; Lumber
A running foot is the equivalent of a 12" length of material regardless of width. Basically the same as "lineal foot. "
Building materials; Lumber
A measure of the resistance an insulation material offers to heat transfer. The higher the R-Value, the more effective the insulation.
Building materials; Lumber
The plate at the bottom of some (usually exterior) door openings. Sometimes called a threshold.
Building materials; Lumber
The openable part of a window. Consisting of a frame and one or more panes of glass.
Building materials; Lumber
In softwood, lumber which has been graded strictly for its appearance. In hardwood, lumber which is one grade below first and second.
Rough sill
Building materials; Lumber
The framing member at the bottom of a rough opening for a window. It is attached to the cripple studs below the rough opening.