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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
False bearing
Earth science; Mapping science
The difference between the direct bearing and the back bearing, caused by meridional convergence.
Angle method of traverse adjustment
Earth science; Mapping science
The method of adjusting a survey traverse by using angles between successive courses as the measured quantities.
Azimuth determination from the sun's angular elevation
Earth science; Mapping science
Determination of astronomic azimuth by measuring the Sun's angular elevation, the angle of the marker from the Sun at that instant and the time of measurement. The formula is cot²(½ A s ) = ...
Amplitude of vibration
Earth science; Mapping science
The length of the arc passed over by a pendulum in moving from its average position to the position of greatest displacement.
Locking angle
Earth science; Mapping science
The complement of the interlocking angle. The angular depression of the oblique photograph when the tilt of the vertical photograph is zero.
Earth science; Mapping science
The structure, usually of reinforced concrete, supporting an end of an arch or bridge and holding the abutting earth in place.
Chromatic aberration
Earth science; Mapping science
The separation, by an optical or other system, of a single ray of polychromatic light in object space into distinct monochromatic rays in image space, without recombining them. In the absence of ...