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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Obliberated corner
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) A corner where there are no remaining traces of the monument or its accessories but whose location has been perpetuated. (2) A corner which may be recovered beyond reasonable doubt, by the ...
Residual deflection
Earth science; Mapping science
The unexplained difference between the direction of gravity and the normal to the ellipsoid best representing the geoid, after corrections for the effects of topography and compensation have been ...
Mean lower low-water datum
Earth science; Mapping science
The average level of the lower of two successive low waters. It is frequently specified as the average during a particular part of the month or year, for example, mean lower low water springs, mean ...
Deterministic covariance function
Earth science; Mapping science
A function which satisfies the geometric requirements to be a covariance function but does not necessarily have an interpretation as a random function.
Coriolis correction
Earth science; Mapping science
A correction applied to an assumed or calculated location or component thereof to allow for apparent acceleration caused by the Coriolis force.
Control photography
Earth science; Mapping science
Photography dealing with the taking of aerial photographs for locating and extending control.
Connexion Line
Earth science; Mapping science
A surveying line connecting a monument with a permanent reference-mark.