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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
Industry: Earth science
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Mapping science
Earth science; Mapping science
A curved segment containing a point at which the normal to the curve changes direction by 180 o . If the tangent is a vector, the tangent also changes direction by 180 o . The point is called the ...
Circular curve
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) A curve of constant radius. An arc of a circle. (2) A plane curve having the equation (x ²+ y ²)f(x) + g(x,y) = 0, where g(x,y) does not contain (x ²+ y ²) as a factor.
Stilling device
Earth science; Mapping science
Any device or structure placed near a tide or stream gauge to reduce the effect of waves and other random motions on the reading of the gage.
Curve of equal bearing
Earth science; Mapping science
The curve connecting all points, on a sphere, at which the great-circle bearing of a given point is the same.
Contour value
Earth science; Mapping science
A number placed on a contour line denoting the elevation of the contour relative to a given datum - usually the geoid.
Optical distance measurement
Earth science; Mapping science
Distance measurement by using light. Classical methods use the fact that light travels in a straight line (except for the effect of refraction) by making the light rays the two sides of a isosceles ...
Diffraction grating
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) A set of precisely spaced, parallel lines which cause incident electromagnetic radiation to be diffracted either upon reflection or upon transmission between the lines. (2) The ruled piece of ...