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Mapping science

The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.

Contributors in Mapping science

Mapping science

Compound curve

Earth science; Mapping science

A curve composed of two or more simple curves which deflect in the same direction and are tangent at the points where they join.

Local datum

Earth science; Mapping science

A datum defining a coordinate system which is used only over a region of very limited extent.


Earth science; Mapping science

To extend a curve beyond its end point, in the same direction.

Void deed

Earth science; Mapping science

A deed whose provisions cannot be enforced.

Cucunutti method of resection

Earth science; Mapping science

A method of resection in which lines A,B,C are drawn through the plotted and observed points, on a plane table, to give intersections 1 of A with B and 2 of B with C. The hori-zontal motion of the ...

Contrast index

Earth science; Mapping science

A number expressing the average gradient of a graph of photographic density versus exposure in terms of the slope of a straight line joining the two points, on the characteristic curve, which ...


Earth science; Mapping science

(1) A precisely defined region of the celestial sphere, associated with a stellar grouping, which the International Astronomical Union has designated as a constellation. (2) A stellar group, ...

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