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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Great elliptic arc
Earth science; Mapping science
An arc (1) defined by the intersection of an ellipsoid with a plane through the centre of the ellipsoid and two specified points on the surface.
Earth science; Mapping science
The division of rights or liabilities among several persons entitled or liable to them, in accordance with their respective interests. e.g. as where a contractor is given partial payment in return ...
Visual acuity
Earth science; Mapping science
A measure of the ability of the eye to separate details in viewing an object, and taken to be the reciprocal of the smallest angular separation, in minutes of arc, of two lines which can be seen to ...
Australian Height Datum
Earth science; Mapping science
A vertical-control datum in Australia, based on a defined geoidal height of 6 metres at Johnston Geodetic Station.
Beach berm
Earth science; Mapping science
A nearly horizontal portion of the beach, formed by the material left by the waves. Some beaches have no beach berms, while others may have several.
Axis of sighting
Earth science; Mapping science
The line drawn through the optical centre and centres of curvature of the lenses of a telescope.
Baudet code
Earth science; Mapping science
A code (1) which uses five binary digits to represent one character.
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