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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Standing axis
Earth science; Mapping science
The axis, in a surveying instrument such as theodolite or levelling instrument, that is intended to be placed in a vertical position when the instrument is in use. This axis is also commonly called ...
Acre foot
Earth science; Mapping science
The volume of water required to cover one acre to a depth of one foot. Equivalent to 43,560 cubic feet of water, it is a convenient unit for measuring the amount of water in a reservoir, the amount ...
Numerical aperture
Earth science; Mapping science
The product NA of the refractive index N of the medium in image space by the sine A of the half angle of the cone of illumination there. In microscopic optics, this definition with object space ...
Artillery criterion
Earth science; Mapping science
The criterion used by the artillery of some countries for accepting or rejecting data, requiring that measurements farther from the average than 4 standard deviations be rejected.
Barometric altitude
Earth science; Mapping science
An altitude or elevation determined using a barometer or barometric altimeter.
Latent ambiguity
Earth science; Mapping science
An uncertainty which does not appear upon the face of an instrument but arises from evidence aliunde - that is, one which is not involved in the words themselves but arises from outside matters. ...
Airy-Heiskamen gravity reduction
Earth science; Mapping science
A gravity reduction applying to a measured or computed value of gravity the sum ä AH of the free air gravity correction äg f , the complete topographic gravity correction äg tc , and the Airy ...