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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
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Mapping science
Closing corner
Earth science; Mapping science
A corner at the intersection of a surveyed boundary with a previously established boundary line. In surveying the public lands of the USA, when the line connecting the last section corner and the ...
Solar constant
Earth science; Mapping science
The amount of energy received, on a planet or satellite, per unit area per unit time from the Sun, at the average distance of that planet or satellite from the Sun. In particular, the amount of ...
Ionospheric correction
Earth science; Mapping science
The quantity subtracted from a distance measured, using radio waves, between a point on the surface and a point in or above the ionosphere, to obtain the distance that would have been measured had ...
Area coverage
Earth science; Mapping science
(1) A set of aerial photographs completely depicting a region, having stereoscopic overlap between exposures along the line of flight and sidelap between photographs on adjacent lines of flight. ...
Tidal current
Earth science; Mapping science
A horizontal movement of water caused by motion of the Earth in the gravitational fields of the other members of the Solar System. More particularly, it is the horizontal component of the ...
Foot-point curve
Earth science; Mapping science
A curve which gives the standard deviation in any arbitrary direction. It is tangent to the error ellipsoid at the ends of the major and minor axes, and bows outward at intermediate points.
Coriolis parameter
Earth science; Mapping science
The quantity 2Ω cos φ', where Ω is the Earth's rate of rotation and φ' is the geocentric latitude. It is usually denoted by f and has a value of about 0. 0001/s in mid latitudes.
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William Jaffe
HTM49111 Beverage Operation Management