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Mapping science
The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.
Industry: Earth science
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Mapping science
X-diameter enlargement
Earth science; Mapping science
The ratio (x+1):1 of the length of the diagonal of an enlarged copy to that of the rectangular original.
Eye-and-ear method
Earth science; Mapping science
A method of measuring the time at which a stellar image crosses a particular line in a reticle, by counting off the seconds or half seconds to oneself while observing the passage. Counting is ...
Quadrantal error
Earth science; Mapping science
An error in direction or measured bearing, frequently caused by irregularities in the antenna or goniometer, which varies sinusoidally throughout the 360 o and has two positive and two negative ...
Euclidean space
Earth science; Mapping science
A space in which a coordinate system can be so chosen that the square %w the distance between two points is given by the sum of the squares of the differences in like coordinates.
Circular near-certainty error
Earth science; Mapping science
The radius of a circle such that the probability that a point will be within the given circle is about 99.78%
Absolute personal error
Earth science; Mapping science
Personal error determined by comparison with values that are correct by assumption or definition.
Translational fault
Earth science; Mapping science
A fault in which there has been translation and no rotation. The dip of the sides of the fault remains the same
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