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Mapping science

The systemic study of the processes and designs involved with map making.

Contributors in Mapping science

Mapping science

Distance modulus

Earth science; Mapping science

The difference between absolute and apparent magnitudes of a celestial body. e.g., the Sun's distance modulus is - 31. 57 m.

Principal distance

Earth science; Mapping science

(1) The perpendicular distance from the internal perspective centre of a projector to the plane, in the projector, of the photographic copy (finished negative or print). This distance is equal to ...

Displacement method of determining tilt

Earth science; Mapping science

A method of determining the amount of tilt of an aerial photograph by comparing the displacements of image points for which the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the corresponding ground points ...

Distortion compensation

Earth science; Mapping science

That correction applied to offset the effect, in a double projection, direct viewing stereoscopic plotter, of radial distortion introduced in an original negative by the objective lens of an aerial ...

Refractive displacement

Earth science; Mapping science

Displacement of images radially outward from the photograph nadir because of atmospheric refraction. It is assumed that the refraction is symmetrical about the nadir.

Tangent distance

Earth science; Mapping science

The distance from the point of intersection (vertex) of a curve to its point of tangency or point of curvature.

Diameter of a circle

Earth science; Mapping science

A line segment joining two points of a circle and passing through the centre of the circle.

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