Contributors in Marine biology
Marine biology
Highly stratified estuary
Biology; Marine biology
An estuary having a distinct surface layer of fresh or very-low-salinity water, capping a deeper layer of higher salinity, more oceanic water.
Biology; Marine biology
An group of crustaceans recognised by their laterally compressed bodies, lack of a carapace, and numerous, differently modified legs (Hayward et al., 1996).
Biology; Marine biology
An animal that has both male and female reproductive organs. Nudibranchs (sea slugs) are a good example o a hermaphrodite.
Daily estuary
Biology; Marine biology
An estuary in which tidal movements cause substantial changes in salinity at any one location on a daily basis.
Biology; Marine biology
Pelagic organisms that are free-swimming and so whose movements are independent of the tides, currents and waves. Such animals include fish, whales, squid, crabs and shrimps. The distribution of ...