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Marine fishery
The study and management of living marine resources and their habitat for the sustainable use of those resources and continued productivity, abundance.
Industry: Fishing
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Marine fishery
Fishing; Marine fishery
1. Marine fish farming (aquaculture). Raising of marine animals and plants in the ocean; 2. The raising of marine finfish or shellfish under some controls. Ponds, pens, tanks, or other containers ...
Fishing; Marine fishery
Any activity, other than scientific research conducted by a scientific research vessel, that involves the catching, taking, or harvesting of fish; or any attempt to do so; or any activity that can ...
Length frequency
Fishing; Marine fishery
A length frequency distribution is an arrangement of recorded lengths (in a total catch, a stock, or a sample) which indicates the number of individuals encountered in each length interval.
Open access
Fishing; Marine fishery
Condition in which access to a fishery is not restricted (i.e. no licence limitation, quotas, or other measures that would limit the amount of fish that an individual fisher can harvest).
Fishing; Marine fishery
A specified numerical harvest objective, the attainment (or expected attainment) of which causes closure of the fishery for that species or species group.
Sustained use
Fishing; Marine fishery
Continuing use without severe or permanent deterioration in the resources.
Fishing; Marine fishery
A gender-neutral name for a person (male or female) participating in a fishery.