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Marine fishery
The study and management of living marine resources and their habitat for the sustainable use of those resources and continued productivity, abundance.
Industry: Fishing
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Marine fishery
Sexual dimorphism
Fishing; Marine fishery
Pertains to systematic differences between males and females. Several species of tunas and billfishes show sexual dimorphism in growth or mortality.
Target fishing
Fishing; Marine fishery
Fishing for the primary purpose of catching a particular species or species group.
Fishing; Marine fishery
Submerged earthform with a crest at a depth of 20-200 metres in oceanic waters and of 0-5 metres in nearshore and neritic waters.
Mesopelagic zone
Fishing; Marine fishery
The pelagic environment from a depth of approximately 100-200 metres to 1,000 meters.
Fishing; Marine fishery
The procedure of maintaining methods and equipment as constant as possible. Without standardisation one cannot determine whether measurements of yearly differences in relative abundance are caused ...
Long-term potential catch (YIELD)
Fishing; Marine fishery
The largest annual harvest, in weight, that can be removed from a fish stock year after year, under existing environmental conditions. This can be estimated in various ways, from maximum values from ...
Fishery conservation zone (FCZ)
Fishing; Marine fishery
The FCZ is the area from the seaward limit of state waters out to 200 nautical miles. Since 1981, it is referred to as the U. S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).