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Medical research

Basic, applied or translational research conducted to aid and support the study in the field of medicine.

Contributors in Medical research

Medical research

Global minimum essential requirements

Medical; Medical research

Specification of the competencies related to knowledge, skills, professional attitudes and ethical values which students should possess at graduation, regardless of where they are trained. In medical ...

Health economics

Medical; Medical research

A discipline which concentrates on application of the principles and rules of economics in the sphere of health. In broad terms, it includes analysis and evaluation of health policy and the health ...

Faculty-ratings questionnaires

Medical; Medical research

Questionnaires completed by faculty members that are used in the assessment of student deficiencies and achievements as well as professional behaviour and competence. They provide indirect, ...


Medical; Medical research

In accordance with the Constitution of the World Health organisation (1948), health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". ...

Graduate training

Medical; Medical research

The phase of acquiring widening clinical experience through the practise of basic clinical skills and judgment. This is normally used to designate the period of hospital clerkship. The periods of ...

Graduate medical education

Medical; Medical research

In the United States, this term typically refers to residency training and fellowships; the education physicians receive after finishing medical school. In many other countries it is called specialty ...


Medical; Medical research

A group of individuals living together in some form of social organisation with cohesion in planning and operation and/or manifesting some unifying trait or common interest. In health care ...

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