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Mineral mining
The extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth for economic interests.
Industry: Mining
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Mineral mining
Arctic suite
Mining; General mining
A group of basaltic and associated igneous rocks intermediate in composition between rocks of the Atlantic suite and the Pacific suite. Compare: Atlantic suite; Pacific suite.
Sheeted vein
Mining; General mining
A group of closely spaced, distinct parallel fractures filled with mineral matter and separated by layers of barren rock.
Safety hat
Mining; General mining
A head covering made of reinforced sheet aluminium or plastic-impregnated fabric and shaped somewhat like a sun helmet; worn for protection and/or to reduce the severity of head injuries from falling ...
Hard heading
Mining; General mining
A heading driven in rock. In S. Wales and elsewhere, men employed in hard headings have suffered greatly from silicosis.
Mining; General mining
A heading driven in rock. In S. Wales and elsewhere, men employed in hard headings have suffered greatly from silicosis.
Going headway
Mining; General mining
A headway or bord laid with rails, and used for conveying the coal cars to and from the face.
Cross measure
Mining; General mining
A heading driven horizontally or nearly so, through or across inclined strata.
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