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Missile defense

Measures designed to detect, identify, track, and defeat attacking (ballistic) missiles in both strategic and theater tactical roles, during any portion of their flight trajectory (boost, post-boost, midcourse, or terminal) or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack.

Contributors in Missile defense

Missile defense

System posture

Military; Missile defense

A USSPACECOM system of graduated readiness steps to bring the strategic BMD system to fully generated alert, similar to the USSTRATCOM concept of posturing aircraft and missile forces to reduce ...

Thermal energy

Military; Missile defense

Electromagnetic energy emitted as thermal radiation. The total amount of thermal energy received per unit area at a specified distance is generally expressed in terms of calories per square ...

Security testing

Military; Missile defense

A process used to determine that the security features of a system are implemented as designed and that they are adequate for a proposed application environment.

Precision decoys

Military; Missile defense

Decoys that precisely match RV characteristics either exoatmospherically or endoatmospherically, or both, and seek to deceive the defence into intercepting them.

Infrared imagery

Military; Missile defense

That imagery produced as a result of sensing electromagnetic radiations emitted or reflected from a given target surface in the infrared position of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Stellar guidance

Military; Missile defense

A system wherein a guided missile may follow a predetermined course with reference primarily to the relative position of the missile and certain preselected celestial bodies.

Track initiation

Military; Missile defense

The formation of the first or initial estimate for a sensor system of the state vector of an object. The process typically requires observation from a number of frames.

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