Home > Industry/Domain > Astronomy > Moon


The Earth's only natural satellite. The moon has a cold, dry orb covered with many lunar craters and strewn with rocks and dust. The moon has no atmosphere. But recent lunar missions have found plenty frozen water on the moon.

Contributors in Moon



Astronomy; Moon

Latin for lake. An area on the surface of the Moon resembling a lake.


Astronomy; Moon

The gentle rocking motion of the Moon as it orbits in its elliptical orbit around Earth that allow slightly more than half of the Moons surface to be visible over a period of time.


Astronomy; Moon

The outermost or visible edge of a planetary body such as the Moon.

Last quarter

Astronomy; Moon

The phase of the Moon between the Waning Gibbous and the Waning Crescent when it is 90 degrees away from a line between the Sun and the Earth, where fifty percent of the Moon is still visible before ...

Waning Moon

Astronomy; Moon

The period in the Moon's monthly cycle as it moves from a full Moon to a new Moon, decreasing in visibility with respect to an Earth-bound observer.

Tropical month

Astronomy; Moon

The time required for the Moon return to a specific celestial longitude, or to move from the first point of Aries and back: a period of 27. 321582 days.


Astronomy; Moon

The darker core of a shadow cast by a celestial object that entirely blocks out illumination. Also refers to the darker centre of sunspots.

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